
May 6th, 2012, 08:58 PM
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Father of Winters
I am playing EA Agartha and I am battling Caelum who has W8 Father of Winters Pretender. In the last battle I had about 15 trogs and about the same number of ancient ones (with an F8 bless) get attacked by this guy. His defense was 26. His Magic resistance is 19. My poor Ancient ones even blessed could not hit him. Obviously the trogs were helpless and were just dead meat. I am wondering how I take him down??? Oh...btw...I just found a magic site that builds Lore Masters which mathematically COULD become S3. He is as of now alone in a province....I dont have any astral but as native agartha I have plenty of earth and some decent fire mages..and death mages. So.....MR is so high I am not sure what will work on him mage wise. I thought if I could tire him out....Curse of stones then rush him with undead chaff??? Will that do it??? IF i ever get an S3 out of the Lore Masters, would Soul Slay work??? I doubt it cuz his magic resistance is so high. Is there some way I can try to cause Feeble Mind? HAHA.... I am thinking the best way is to try and exhaust him with curse of stones...maybe throw a couple combustions or maybe some damage over time death spell like decay to add to his fatigue??? Any suggestions??

May 6th, 2012, 09:42 PM
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Re: Father of Winters
Swarm him with the undead

May 7th, 2012, 01:40 AM
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Re: Father of Winters
For death magic, decay isn't what you want, it just causes aging, which doesn't really do anything against gods (long lifespans). Ghost grip might help, and exhausting him with skelly-spam is always a good trick (unless he is fatigue neutral). Water magic doesnt give you much, since he's cold immune. Fire gives you blindness and incinerate. Petrify is best with earth, but it's high in research.
If you've been doing a lot of construction research, you could also try to equip an ancient lord with anti-sc gear.

May 7th, 2012, 01:44 AM
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Re: Father of Winters
Curse of stones is not realistically going to work. Ghost grip/stellar cascades or even just being set on fire are much more likely to work. Soul slay can work, but it would take a lot of soul slays. Communions help here. Anything under 24+ mr is most definitely nothing like safe from soul slays though, especially with penetration boosters.
"Easy-slay(TM) is a whole new way of marketing violence. It cuts down on all the red tape and just butchers people. As a long-time savagery enthusiast myself, I'm very excited about the synergies that the easy-slay(TM) approach brings to the entire enterprise." -Dr DrP

May 7th, 2012, 08:32 AM
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Re: Father of Winters
rdonj, just out of curiouosity why wouldnt curse of stones speed up his exhaustion along with skelly spam? Am I wrong in thinking by running his fatigue up to 250 it would reduce his defense to zero? making him a much easier target.

May 7th, 2012, 08:43 AM
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Re: Father of Winters
Curse of Stones is MR negates easily. While it's a great spell otherwise it is very unlikely to affect anyone with high MR.
Going the fatigue route stellar cascades should destroy him quickly, whenever it is feasible to use it.

May 7th, 2012, 09:14 AM
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Re: Father of Winters
Ohhh...ok thanks Red...I guess I missed the MR part of CoS. God this game gets deep. WIsh it could get a bit of a graphics overhaul. BUt after all these years this game is still so compelling because of its depth.

May 7th, 2012, 10:09 AM
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Re: Father of Winters
Is this by any chance CBM?
If so you have a far easier solution.
Recruit your best unit: your boulder throwers. Under CBM the boulders are area of effect.
By the way - as agartha you really *love* goblins, hoburgs, swarms, dispossed spirits: Anything that is size 1.
two of them, in the same square as your agarthans will bleed off attacks and boost the survivability of your agarthans.
Just make sure the agarthans are *in front* of the smaller creatures so the smaller creatures will move through.

May 7th, 2012, 10:47 AM
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Re: Father of Winters
Hmmm good thoughts Batman...as a rule I LOVE the swarm spell...one of my favorites. It is not CBM so I dont think I have AoE with my boulder throwers and havent raised any. But I DO think I can recruit Hoburgs somewhere...will have to look around...never thought of that strategy. Does Defense have an affect on missiles??? I always though it did but maybe they are only mitigated by protection??

May 7th, 2012, 01:19 PM
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Re: Father of Winters
shield have a massive impact on the effectiveness of missiles, so I wouldn't bother with that if the FoW has a decent shield.
I'm under the impression that piercer can bypass shield parry as a special ability though (test it), and the vine bow I'm unsure if it can bind if it is parried in the current incarnation (1.92?). botulfs is an option if he uses a weak shield though, if not cost effective, but getting just 1 arrow to stick will feeblemind him which opens him up to a lot of MR spells and kills his casting.
And before I do anything I'd spirit curse him, if you can get some damage in and cause some of the more deadly affliction that would seal his fate. If piercer work through shield, curse + piercers with enough meatshield (undeads) up front should do it unless he's got windshield or similar.
If you want to try boulders be sure to practice and test formation, they aren't the easiest thing to use and will easily get engaged in hth if you aren't very careful and experienced. I'm unsure on how their damage work with FoW's prot either.
As mentioned, units swarms can tie him up well but that's somewhat gear dependent. If he's not fatigue neutral you can certainly swarmed him to death.
What sort of gear does he use?
I also seem to recall that EA Agartha has water magic, if you can get a some quickness buff on your elite troops (or SC killer equipped thugs) and chaff with swarm undeads you should pop him no problem.
If his armor isn't extremely high stellar cascade is very effective, but you need it to hit him (have the mage closer to the front) and you can only try it 5 times per astral mage. Getting a few shots on target though would drop his effective armor, def and att by quite a bit and make him pass out quickly.
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