
February 4th, 2013, 04:16 PM
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SC's and Morale and Routing
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Is there a way to have a SC with an army that will not rout when the army is defeated? Is it only possible to have a non routing SC to not have any army attached?
Also my SC was defending a fortress with one hill giant in the garrison and one snow troll commander. None were commanding any troops yet when the giant and troll were killed my SC routed. What gives? Morale and fatigue were fine.

February 4th, 2013, 04:29 PM
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Re: SC's and Morale and Routing
Berserking SC's do the job. So flesh eaters or other items that give your Sc's berserk ability would help you. Also units with 30 morale dont rout too.
Also there is a rule that if you loose certain percentage (i think 60% but correct me if i'm wrong) hit points of your army it routs automatically.

February 4th, 2013, 04:56 PM
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Re: SC's and Morale and Routing
Originally Posted by bbz
Berserking SC's do the job. So flesh eaters or other items that give your Sc's berserk ability would help you. Also units with 30 morale dont rout too.
Also there is a rule that if you loose certain percentage (i think 60% but correct me if i'm wrong) hit points of your army it routs automatically.
Thanks for the berserk tip. Actually my SC did have morale of 30 so still not sure what happened there?
I take it most people do not include armies with their SC because of the army routing situations?

February 4th, 2013, 05:34 PM
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Re: SC's and Morale and Routing
hmmm i might be wrong then. Ill do some tests and let you know about the results.
Ok correction I was wrong. Units with 30 morale will route given the loss of the percentage of the army.
The thing even if your SC's retreat you can use them again and grind down the enemy's army. Also a way around this is having several high HP units as a wall for your mages set on guard mages. This way they wont advance(so they will only be killed by magic). And if that is lets say 40% of your army's Hit points , you just leave the killing for your mages and your SC's and those guys keep your whole army from routing.
P.s If your right click over the morale value, when you inspect your units you can read some of the morale rules(regarding when certain units will route and other stuff).
Last edited by bbz; February 4th, 2013 at 05:53 PM..

February 4th, 2013, 06:06 PM
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Re: SC's and Morale and Routing
Originally Posted by bbz
hmmm i might be wrong then. Ill do some tests and let you know about the results.
Ok correction I was wrong. Units with 30 morale will route given the loss of the percentage of the army.
The thing even if your SC's retreat you can use them again and grind down the enemy's army. Also a way around this is having several high HP units as a wall for your mages set on guard mages. This way they wont advance(so they will only be killed by magic). And if that is lets say 40% of your army's Hit points , you just leave the killing for your mages and your SC's and those guys keep your whole army from routing.
P.s If your right click over the morale value, when you inspect your units you can read some of the morale rules(regarding when certain units will route and other stuff).
Ah thanks for the bodyguard tip. Will try this thanks!

February 4th, 2013, 07:24 PM
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Re: SC's and Morale and Routing
once your army takes 50% HP damage, you start taking checks that involve a DRN. i can't remmember the exact mechanic. but if you fail the check, you rout.
it becomes increasingly likely as you lose a higher percentage of total HPs that you will rout. when you hit 75% loss of total hit points, you rout automatically.
so with you two units dying, you must have just gotten very very unlucky. but that happens in Dom3. that's why i drink a lot. it helps.
SCs operate really well alone, provided they don't get killed(that's the trick). meaning, they are awesome against armies with little or minor mage support, or PD. but when you mix them in with troops, you will run into the problems you are having(i know, because i am so bad with SCs i cry sometimes).
bbz's idea has real merit though. i like it.
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February 10th, 2013, 06:38 PM
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Re: SC's and Morale and Routing
Mindless SCs also don't rout, though sometimes that might mean that they get killed when they could have retreated and survived.

February 10th, 2013, 06:41 PM
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Re: SC's and Morale and Routing
AA that explains a lot. my troops keep routing, but my poison golemns fight on(and die)
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