5k pop increase, 40 nature gems, casting requirement 8 nature 1 water&earth or something similar with nature,water and earth being the only requirement to cast and nature gems the cost since it seems logical.
Too small an effect compared to the paths needed to cast it and it is unlikely that anybody but a pretender god would have the paths to do so. Spells requiring that sort of paths are typically high-level global enchantments, which means that once you would be able to use it, you would probably have much better things to do than go around adding 5K population here and there.
Is there not already a L9 nature global that increases the growth rate everywhere? One of the "Gaea's something-or-other"
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
You're probably thinking of Gift of Nature's Bounty. It might sound like it should give you more population, but it doesn't. A spell that gives you inceased population would have to steal them from someplace else or force grow them as an influx of 10000 newborns isn't going to help (for the next 100 turns at least). So it would probably have to be a small gradual growth by reducing mortality and extending life lengths.
BTW, you can wish for population if you are mighty and really want some more people in your realm.
I think some people would just like to be able to repopulate provinces which have been ground down to population zero.
Wish would do this, by the sound of it.
Thtrap it to the bench and put a good thick bolt of lightning through it, that'th our motto. That'th how you tetht thomething!
- Igor