This is obviously loaded poll Reverand. Option 1 and 2 deals with person A. Option 3 implicitly deals with person B, not A. You have bundled it together, while they are clearly separate issues.
Let me give you example. Suppose somebody went to the night park alone and without weapon, and got mugged and suffered life-threating insuries as the result.
Should that person know better? Perhaps. Does it mean that his assaulter was right in his actions? Of course not.
It is not exactly the same case here, but I think you see my point. Question of whether it was "(un)effective" or not have nothing to do question is it was "reprehensible" or not, since they can very well be both at the same time. Therefore as it is your test is not very meningfull or objective.
(heh, thanks to your and other people critic of my own polls, I am now much more aware of such matters

If you want to make it rigth it you should separate questions related to person A and questions related to person B, not to slap them together. Otherwise it doesn't make much sense.
[ May 25, 2004, 00:58: Message edited by: Stormbinder ]