
February 5th, 2005, 03:20 AM
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Dominion Spreading effects
So the bible on Dominion spreading the Explanation of dominion effects - by Ceremony states that the chance for dominion spreading is 10% times your god's maximum dominion.
However in a game I am currently playing it is spreading *very* slowly. I had a starting dominion of 5 and have considerably more than 25 temples. You would think then that every temple in a 0 dominion area would create 1 candle per turn.
However it is not working out that way. The candles are appearing *very* slowly in newly conqured 0 candle areas. The server is running 2.14.
So I have a couple of possible expliantions:
1) The chance of a candle increase is 10% per initial dominion of your god.
2) Dominion increases are affected by "events" ( like scouting reports ) and I am exceeding the maximum number of events per turn ( I have a lot of scouts and a good number of provinces ).
3) It's on Faerun and dominion spreading is borked by some other reason on large maps.
Perhaps it's something else. Any ideas?

February 5th, 2005, 06:42 AM
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Re: Dominion Spreading effects
Influence of malign dominions will reduce your dominion.
Suggestion 1) is possible, but not likely. I'm not sure, but there is some function of dominion that is not affected by the increased dominion gained by temple building IIRC. I'll take a look and see if I can find anything.

February 5th, 2005, 01:13 PM
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Re: Dominion Spreading effects
Influence of malign dominions will reduce your dominion.
Nope some of these temples are within huge swaths of lands of 0 dominion ( players have recently died ).
There is another possibility. One of the other players just told me that he is having problems getting scouting reports yet he is a somewhat smaller nation. Perhaps there is a global limit as well as a per country limit on messages?

February 6th, 2005, 06:45 AM
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Re: Dominion Spreading effects
Message limit will not afect dominion spread. But, there are limits to message numbers. There is also some kind of message limit per nation, but scout messages should not add to this one more than once every turn.
Checked the dominion spread: The chance of a temple generating a possible increase is dependent on the initial dominion of the god. The chances of an increase from the god himself or his prophet is dependent on number of temples though.
Thus the effectivity of temples are determined by the godly power of the pretender and the effectivity of the pretender is dependent on his number of adherents.
This applies to blood sacrifices as well. Make sure you have high dominion if you are Mictlan. Later temples will not have much effect apart from a higher max lvl.
The max dominion and the ability to lower enemy dominion is dependent on temple numbers.

February 6th, 2005, 07:15 AM
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Re: Dominion Spreading effects
Does this mean a nation with starting dominion level of e.g. 8 which builds 20 temples has a stronger dominion then a nation with 6 starting dominion which also builds 20 temples ?
Both have then the maximum dominion of 10 with 20 temples . So from my understanding they should be equal strong .

February 6th, 2005, 08:44 AM
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Re: Dominion Spreading effects
For all other intents and purposes they have the same dominion strength. Apparently it is just the chance of temples spreading that is based solely on the starting dominion.

February 10th, 2005, 11:07 PM
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Re: Dominion Spreading effects
I don't think it's necessarily a bug. I think it's just as interesting and fun, or moreso, that it's based on the starting dominion, since as KO said, it makes that decision more meaningful and lasting.
"Plopp" is a great term.
What I still wonder though, is whether a plopp will ever vanish in a friendly-dominion province that is at maximum dominion, or not? That is, if a nation has a plopp originating in a province surrounded by full-strength friendly dominion provinces, will it always work its way out to try to have an effect on the frontier of the dominion somewhere? Or is it likely to have no effect, dying somewhere in a maximum-friendly-dominion province? (That's all one question I was trying to make clear - forlot if it's confusing!)

February 11th, 2005, 05:54 AM
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Re: Dominion Spreading effects
My guess is that the plopp can and sometimes will travel great distances.
Have you ever noticed games where in turns 1-6, where most of the map is still undiscovered, you may have, say, a dominion strength of 3 or 4 in your capital, a dominion strength of 1 in, say, two neighboring provinces, and a dominion strength of 0 or below in those further away .... BUT ... you will see a candle 9 or 10 provinces away somewhere in Independent Land out in the middle of nowhere.
This seems to indicate that plopps need not even necessarily travel through adjacent provinces, nor that those provinces through which they travel need be anywhere near "full".
... Or that something entirely different is going on...

February 11th, 2005, 11:17 AM
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Re: Dominion Spreading effects
I think it's a bug, especially as I have seen dominion wander through enemies', what shouldn't be possible according too Kristoffers description.
I guess somewhere along it's way the "plopp" does not travel on to the next province, but the next province number.
There's something more evil to it than some dominion in no mans land, but I just can't remember what it was .. but I'm pretty shure there was some effect that had me looking for dom spread characteristics.
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...

February 11th, 2005, 11:55 AM
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Re: Dominion Spreading effects
Dominion far away is probably a bad event for another player. Plopps doesn't die unless they encounter enemy dominion IIRC.
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