
May 15th, 2008, 04:39 PM
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Flaming Arrows counters
Are Arrow Fend and fire resistance the only 2 counters to Flaming Arrows?

May 15th, 2008, 04:40 PM
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Re: Flaming Arrows counters
Well, Rain of Stones comes to mind. Flaming arrows is useless if there aren't any archers. Mist/Storm/Darkness would also work, probably cancelling out the increased effectiveness of Flaming Arrows. Army of Lead renders the flaming arrows pretty much moot. That's all that comes to mind.
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May 15th, 2008, 04:42 PM
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Re: Flaming Arrows counters
Darkness and Storm work well too.
Does Rain effect precision too? I cant remember. Solar Brilliance would work too - hehe.

May 15th, 2008, 06:31 PM
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Re: Flaming Arrows counters
MaxWilson said:
...Army of Lead...
Army of gold works even better in this case, though you'll want someone to cast antimagic for the MR then.
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May 15th, 2008, 07:51 PM
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Re: Flaming Arrows counters
Bear in mind that Darkness also brings elite units closer to parity with chaff (great if you're Marignon with flagellants or something, terrible if you're Vanheim/Helheim) by halving the difference between attack/defense. And of course it makes you vulnerable to skelly spammers and other assorted undead. Vice versa, of course.
(Does EA Pangea have access to Darkness?)
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["Memories of Ice", by Steven Erikson. Retranslated into l33t.]

May 15th, 2008, 09:20 PM
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Re: Flaming Arrows counters
EA Pangea doesn't have death mage, even though taking death path is absolutely necessary. I think there's a Pan hero who comes with death 2 though.
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May 15th, 2008, 09:41 PM
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Re: Flaming Arrows counters
I've never hired an EA pangea Pan that came with death magic. You have to have a pretender with some death magic who can search out death sites and cast Revenant, and then empower a Revenant with nature. Sucks, but I haven't found a better way around it yet.
Another decent counter to Flaming Arrows:
-Longbowmen set to Fire Archers.
Too bad they're so flippin' rare, tho.

May 15th, 2008, 04:43 PM
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Re: Flaming Arrows counters
A few that come to mind are:
Rain - puts the fires out, I think.
Storm - 50% of arrows removed.
Will of the Fates - 50% of arrows deal no damage
Infantry with honking great shields - speaks for itself

May 15th, 2008, 05:19 PM
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Re: Flaming Arrows counters
Fliers set to Attack Archers
Thug armies - plenty of items grant fire resistance
Air bless
or, uh... play as Abysia
I agree, it sucks to have that spell used against you

May 15th, 2008, 05:28 PM
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Re: Flaming Arrows counters
Rain does not affect arrows, it just reduces heat effects, doubles Fire spell costs, and doubles flier fatigue. Interestingly, Acid Rain does none of these things.
Bauchelain - "Qwik Ben iz uzin wallhax! HAX!"
Quick Ben - "lol pwned"
["Memories of Ice", by Steven Erikson. Retranslated into l33t.]
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