Here's a notion. As an expansion pack idear, develop and add Ground Combat. Use a top down combat formula simular to space combat.
If a planet has no troops to defend it, No combat, the plant becomes accupied by the attackers forces.
If a planet has troops, then the troops would be represented by top down images based off of there portrait images just like in space combat.
Again, you would have a choice between Tatical or Stratigic with the same type of features.
Ground combat will take place in a grid the same size as a space battle grid, with a small city or dome icon representing the capital city of the planet just like a planet does in space combat.
Really, if you think about it, it can work. It would be slightly crude, but it would work.
If implimented, you will be able to fight in orbit, then send troops down, and fight on the ground. This would really improve game play and strengthen the importance of troop design. Hell, you could even use fighters if you wanted.
If the Top down view does not work for ya, then use something simular to starcraft or AOE's.
The point is, it is needed, and it would be welcome as well as greatly appreciated. Hell, I would buy an expansion pack if this feature was added to SEIV. (Truthly, I would buy and expansion pack even if it wasn't, just don't let Aaron or Richard know.
New Age Ship Yards
"We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats! They invade our space and we fall back -- they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back! Not again! The line must be drawn here -- this far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done!" -- Captain Picard STNG
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