The DomMap project is going along well and able to create decent playable maps for Dom2. This thread is to discuss side programs such as I run which add randoms to the .map text file controlling the game which is played on a map. Examples of a randomized game can be found at my site such as the "Poke in the Eye"...
which uses the eye.tga everyone gets with both the demo and the full game. It is re-randomized daily at my site scattering completely new surprises.
copy the old .map to new
keeping all of the #terrain and #neighbor
open new .map for append
add a line of "------------------"
just for clarity between old and new
if the person adds AIs this randomly allies some
loop 13 times
Ally1 = random(0-17)
Ally2 = random(0-17)
if Ally1=Ally2 then redo
print "#allies " Ally1 Ally2
next loop
loop 1 to MaxProvinces
how many provinces on the image
print "#setland " loop
if X 0 then
print "#lab"
print "#temple"
print "# fort " random(0-24)
if X = 1 then fort and lab
if X = 2 then fort and temple
if X = 3 then lab and temple
if X = 4 then fort
if X = 5 then lab
if X = 6 then temple
if X = 7 then fort
if X = 8 then temple
if X greater than 8 then nothing
done with X now
Comndr = random(0 to MaxUnits)
I think thats 1064 now?
BodyGrd = Comndr +or- random(1 to 5)
UnitType = Comndr +or- random (1 to 10)
print "#commander " Comndr
print "#randomequip 4"
print "#bodyguards " BodyGrd random(1 to 5)
print "#units " UnitType random(1 to 15)
next loop
do the next province
[ February 26, 2004, 15:12: Message edited by: Gandalf Parker ]