Very well, start uploading! Good luck to everyone. May every other game tremble before our verbal graciousness!
Exterminatus2 is the game's name.
Era: Middle age
Players: 15
Map: Glory of the Gods (multiplayer), 227 land & 47 sea
Host: llamaserver (
Mods: CBM 1.3 (
Hall of fame: 15
Everything else: default
Turns will last for 24 hours until enough people request for additional time.
Extra roleplaying in forum posts will be approved of.
Let's get started.
1. Juffos - Pythium
2. Quitti - Jotunheim
3. majuva86 - Ermor
4. Crust - Abysia
5. licker - Machaka
6. Ferrosol - Oceania
7. coobe - Ulm
8. konming - R'lyeh
9. Illuminated One - Atlantis
10. Revolution - Mictlan
11. Nimnio - C'tis
12. Gregstorm - Ashdod
13. JimMorrison - Pangaea
14. Rytek - Man
15. jimkehn - Eriu