I strongly agree with with SJ and with Fyron but less so. No I'm not cracking a joke this time Fyron.
I agree that the number of ships should be at or above Stock SE4 but more than that is not really needed as Fyron pointed out. Now my personally take on what would be nice. For the SFTC and Lite I use over 60 hull sizes (inclusive). I will be working on condensing the total number using an SE5 approach for the Lite. So until I finish I can't say for sure how many images would be "optimal" for it. However, I can't condense the Full version and for it I would like to see:
8 Warships, 4 Carriers, 8 Freighters, 5 Bases, 4 Fighters, and 4 Small Craft.
Small craft are like ST shuttles and such so they should look markedly different from Fighters. I could settle with 7 Freighters instead of 8. And before you freak out at the numbers remember this is only my wish list. I'm not expecting all of the above. Just more than we have now.