It could be either the cost or the hull size that is taken into account. (Edit) According to a post by Ruatha on the NGC3 forum, it is the hull size that is used to calculate the score. (I would have expected the game to use the actual cost of the ships, to prevent the player from building the ships SJ aluded to.
However, at any rate, it is indeed ships that matters as far as score is concerned. Destroy a lot of his ships and you will be fine.
(I lost 300,000 points when I lost 50 carriers or so against Geoschmo. Or perhaps even more points. So it should help)
Here is what should be the way score is calculated :
Every point of minerals, organics, and radioactives, generated counts as one score point. Every point of research and intelligence generated counts as one score point.
Each kt of your ships and bases counts as 10 points.
Each level of researched techs counts for 200 points.
No points for units/pop/colonies/systems.
[ November 27, 2003, 18:26: Message edited by: Alneyan ]