Of course it would be a GUI based program. It'll be written in Visual Basic, so it'll look like most other windows programs (pre XP, I've been working with .Net, but not enough to make it easy to make something like this).
How about I throw together like a "monster modder" or something like that, just a simple part of a whole mod program so you guys can see what I mean and tell me what you think?
I'm gonna do spell modding, cause that will be easiest seen as it has the smallest number of options.
Well I've done some really preliminary work at spell modding, only to find that you can't really do it. :S Oh well, this is kinda what the mod tool will look like:
http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/lafo...2_Mod_Tool.rar (Direct Link)
http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/lafollet/ (Incase other link doesn't work)
[ March 09, 2004, 19:08: Message edited by: LaFollet ]