Q1: What women want.. Men that are good on the outside and bad on the inside. So if you're nice on both sides you loose.
Q2: Nice at work.. The nice guys at work will be mashed like ripe potatos, taken advantage of and never climb the corporate ladder. You need greed to succeed in business and without it (Being Nice) you're destined to fail. (or stay at your current level forever)
Q3: Everywhere else.. There was a time when being 'nice' was normal, now it's such a rare phenomenon that it's newsworthy. Society is not 'nice' and 'nice' is slowly being removed from life as we know it. If everyone was 'nice' you could leave your car unlocked and still find it where you left it. (providing it didn't get towed')
With that said, I'm 'nice' and proud of it. What a strange poll.