I read a few days ago on a new page about a group of lawyers who are preparing to file a multi-billion dollar class action, multi-state, multi defendant lawsuit against the Video Game industry for making violent video games that are a threat to society.
I have done a search for the article, but could not fine it. I did find another case though,
that talked about a similar case.
What have we come to now? How low will the Trial lawyers go? These folks, no offense, are worse than probate lawyers who suck up an estate like a hoover vacuum until only a crumb or two remain.
These types of frivolous lawsuits must be stopped before they explode into an epidemic. Lets see now, they have sued the Tobacco companies, the fire arm industry, fast food, Microsoft, and now they are gunning for the Video Game industry, alcohol companies, car companies, and cell phone manufactures.
How low will they go?
If lawsuits like this are not stopped, one day I could see Aaron named as a defended for having made SEIV or SEV such an addictive product.
Seriously, 10 years ago people laughed at any one who said they were going to sue the fast food industry for making people fat.
I can understand Tobacco, it is an addictive product designed by the Tobacco companies to be ultra addictive, but video games and fast food?
Oh for crying out loud, take some responsibility for your own choices in life and fire those ambulance chasers!