Ahhhh all is not lost!
Thx guys, sometimes Shug just needs a little love and attention otherwise I start to get a little irritable
dummy: I was talking about the tools used to make the actual music itself. Cakewalk Studio? Does Aaron have slew of midi instruments and a studio and use Pro-Tools? Stuff like that... thx for your reply
David: the graphics in the game are great! I love the retro-style and the graphics are what drew my attention to DO to begin with. I plan on creating custom graphics for DO so I have been studying your .bmp's over the Last couple of days. It's really amazing how you were able to give the characters so much... well character with the limitations in the graphics you are working with. Very creative indeed!
I just happened to pic humanmage35.bmp as my portrait but since you added your custom icon of yourself to the forum I noticed you and this image have an uncanny resemblence. Was this intended? (I'm serious, no sarcasim intended)
Anyway, I'm rattling now but I will probably be posting some grfx questions in the near future so please dont ignore me!