This is a map based on Battle of Wesnoth map.
I found it funny to convert another game's campaign map into a Dominion map.
It's got 60 provinces named according to the names on the map and some inferred from it.
I know most maps out there are way bigger, but I prefer small maps
Oh, and some mountains and rivers are not passable, so it's got some nice chokepoints.
Analytic kernel has made a nicer version with green borders.
(Updated map file with map zoom 2 and better provinces.)
Last edited by LDiCesare; August 6th, 2009 at 02:12 AM..
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to LDiCesare For This Useful Post:
I think the defaultzoom should be much closer - currently you have to zoom right in and have huge flags to be able to reliably click between certain provinces (like 26-27).
I made the defaultzoom bigger (maybe too much?), and made border lines wider where mountains and rivers are impassable. I'm still not too happy with the borders, the red is a bit aggressive.
I also redrew 2 and 5 so they connect. This is realy minor.
I'm still not too happy with the borders, the red is a bit aggressive.
I also like the map, but have to agree with you about the borders. If it doesn't make the zip file too much larger, could you add your XCF file to it? If it still has a borders layer, maybe someone (possibly me, though I'm not explicitly volunteering) could find a more soothing color or line style.
Problem is I screwed my xcf, so although I have the province borders in a lyer, I don't have all the white dots (layer has those that remain surrounded in black, but a few are missing). Using the tga and this xcf, one can get them back though.
The Following User Says Thank You to LDiCesare For This Useful Post:
Problem is I screwed my xcf, so although I have the province borders in a lyer, I don't have all the white dots (layer has those that remain surrounded in black, but a few are missing). Using the tga and this xcf, one can get them back though.
It seems that only 3 of the white pixels were missing, so it wasn't that big of problem. I changed the borders to a dark green and applied a smoothing effect on them. I also changed the default map zoom.
I wonder whether borders are needed along the coastline? In some places the border does not quite match it.