Originally Posted by Listy
I was poking about in the polish OOB and spotted some errors. there's a few units that are coded as "no nation". They also seem to have an odd name start.
I suspect these where candidates for deletion and got missed?
These are the ones I've spotted:
026 Su-100M
175 X-130mm Section
179 X-180mm Section
191 X-122mm Section
805 X-130mm M46 FG
Not "errors" - if something turns out to be not actually used, but was in the OOB then it tends to get renationalised to 0 rather than hard-deleting the thingy since it
may be used in a scenario, somewhere. Saves combing the scenarios (and user campaign scenarios) for it. The editor may also change the name as well as a reminder that it is unused. The human player and the AI both have no access to that unit any more.
It's only worthwhile actually deleting something (and then combing all the scenarios) if the OOB is a crowded one where free slots are more valuable (e.g. the USA, and USSR), if something new needs adding and there is no or little room.