The game does run fine on W2k. I tested it on 2 different W2k machines (one Intel/nVidia, the other AMD/ATi based).
Judging from the error messages, there's a little problem with your (slightly dated
) graphics card, or it's drivers.
Simply, the game could not initialize DirectDraw correctly. DirectDraw is the 2D-Subset of DX .. (ok, I know win programmers will beat me for this oversimplification).
But without being able to initialize it's main window there isn't much the exe can do besides crashing.
Please run dxdiag.exe and post the
full result as a zipped attachment, so we can check for outdated drivers and installation problems.
Besides: judging from your screenshot, you're running a whole lot of stuff at the same time as you try to start the game .. try to close all other programs, and ever try to get rid of some of those in the .. how do they call it .. the icon bar in the lower right. Could be that some multimedia-software or chat client tries to get itself into the foreground constantly and thereby keeps WinSPMBT from initializing correctly.