I'm planning to run a new EA game for newish players.
Players: 6-8
Map: Probably a home-made subsection of Cradle or something, around 120-140 provinces.
Mods: None
Schedule: 24 hour quickhost (game hosts after 24 hours or when all turns are in, whichever's sooner), at least for the first 40 or so turns
House rule: No more than one level 9 bless.
Please sign up and choose a nation!
So far we have:
Caelum - IndyPendant
C'tis - parcelt
Oceania - Snacktime
Marverni - fungalreason
Lanka - Methel
T'ien Ch'i - Warhammer
Helheim - thraveboy
Yomi - sum1won
The website for the game is
www.llamaserver.net .