At the beginning of January (Last year), I joined this forum. Time to reflect (where's the "boring" icon? Guess I'll settle for this one:
(1) I had been playing PBW some already and even donated a bit here and there but realized how much PBW (by what I saw in this forum) offered and played more and more and donated some more to do what I could to make sure it would keep running (thanks, Geo!)
(2) Because of a movie I watched (well, not completely because of it but thinking of it...
) called "Knock Around Guys (with my main man, Vin), I decided to do what the movie did...find the toughest guy in town and kick his *** (to make a name for myself). There-in resulted the (not so) infamous challenge with three of us newbies (Lord Chane, Asmala, and me) against any of the best who chose to respond. 1FSTCAT, Geo and the "bounty hunter", RexTorres hopped in the challenge and us newbies won. Yes, lots of Asmala with bits of Lord Chane and myself. But we "landed" and gained a bit of rerspect.
(3) Got stupid and joined KOTH. GAWD, how I hated the thought of playing with 1 planet and how "primitive" the whole thing sounded. After all, how interesting could it be?
Well, Primitive showed me! WHOMP! And I was determined to do better. After all, that cushy seat that Stone was sitting on looked REALLY comfortable and I wanted it. So, I hung around and even made a bid for the chair once (good game, Rex!).
(4) Won my round of the PBW Tourney (but it fell to the roadside before round two began).
(5) With the help and ideas of Geo and GrandpaKim, started the SE4 Rating system, purchased a website (host provider) for it, and began keeping Ratings in the best way I could think of to measure skill for all us players (who were interested).
(6) Posted enough dribble to get to be a colonel and 15 votes for a nice rating.
(7) Helped out with displaying and honoring the PBW Donor Fleet for PBW.
(8) "Met" and became "Internet" friends with several people. Well, I don't necessarily think I am their friend but
I like them. So, I'll mention a few (pardon if I forgot anyone):
Asmala (who shared so much of his knonwledge with me)
Geo (who gives so much and gets irritated with me...sometimes)
DEG (or, the Avatar-Meister, who is so friendly and generous)
Gryphin (and Pooh, who taught me people have lives, kinkiness, generosity, a sense of humor, and problems)
RexTorres (who never says much but illustrates his point of view in games...
Primitive (who, though a Neanderthal, plays a bloody game and has better taste in women than I would have thought)
Alneyan (who has a good wit and sense of humor and speaks English better than most of us Americans)
Nodachi (who is one of the best sports around and helps out the community)
MarkW (who has disappeared but beat me in my most exciting game ever!)
Attrocities (who, well, when turns don't arrive, provide a neverending source of reading
Fyron (who remains a mystery to me)
And all the other players from so many other countries who can speak to me in my own language,
(9) Made this my most visited forum. The forum I check first at work and first when I get home (after email, of course
So, a year and 2 days later...I'm happy I came here (sniff, sniff...
HA! Gotcha! I'm not a softie...I'm the ruthless, kicka$$ Lord Ithis of the Trithian Empire
! Learn my empire's language or die!