A quick & simple prog:
Moving 7 BMPs ships across the screen is only getting me about 9-18 FPS on a 1GHz machine.
The size of the BMPs to move around seems to make no difference, so I've gone with the portraits.
Oh, well, speed isn't one of VB's strong points
On the right side, a big black chunk of space, with null-ships flying by. (you'll see nothing until you select a shipset: see below)
On the top left, there's a drive/directory selector. Go to a directory with ship images, and they will appear. (directory name MUST match the race name: ie Klingon_portrait_escort in a "klingon" directory)
Below that, there is a FPS meter, and below that, a directional control box. Clicking in the box changes the direction/speed the ships move.
Below that is an Exit button.
Double clicking on the background between any of the above things will also quit.
Flying Shipsets.exe
To make it a screensaver, rename it to "FlyingShipsets.SCR", and place it in your windows directory. (Yes, that's all)