I thought I would start a thread for a new game for people to join, which I will host on my automated PBEM server, the llamaserver (it's PBEM but it checks its e-mail very often, hosts automatically and also has a status page, see
www.llamaserver.net ).
We're going to go with Middle Age. The players are:
Kristoffer O - Mictlan
Meglobob - Caelum
Fal - Oceania
GameExtremist - Arcoscephale
Sieger - Ermor
Dedas - Ulm
Sir_Dr_D - Agartha
Teraswaerto - Pythium
Arghaii - Abysia
Hadrian_II - R'lyeh
Amhazair - C'tis
Valerius - Pangaea
Jazzepi - Man
Davegg - Vanheim
Ubercat - Marignon
GrayZ - Eriu
cupido2 - Machaka
zakna - Jotunheim
Reverend Zombie - Shinuyama
Baalz - Bandar Log
Aethyr - Atlantis
The map will be 'Glory of the Gods (multiplayer)'.
Settings: Everything standard.
Worthy Heroes
(In the zip there is a 'maps' folder and a 'mods' folder. Put the contents of both in relevant dominions folders, i.e. the contents of the 'mods' folder in the zip should go in 'dominions3/mods'. There is also a readme file - put that where you want).
Blessing Hotfix
(Just unzip and put the contents of the 'Black Tome' folder (two files) straight into in your dominions3/mods folder)
Victory conditions: Still to be decided
To upload your pretenders:
- Go to Game Tools -> Create a pretender god in Dominions
- Go to the savedgames/newlords folder in the dominions directory, and find your pretender file (e.g. mid_pythium_0.2h)
- E-mail the file to: pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net
- Crucially, you must have the game name, 'Armadillo', in the subject line of your e-mail