First up is an olive drab A-26 Invader -- which was to be used by FEAF in the Pacific if the war had continued past August 1945. These modified OD invaders had provisions for rockets and bombs on the wings, and had the belly turret deleted and replaced with more fuel tankage.
"Gen Kenney, commander of the Far East Air Forces and an early critic of the A-26, informed Gen Arnold on 15 July that 'the A-26 with the eight-gun nose and without the belly turret has proven highly satisfactory as a replacement and for the A-20 and later on for the B-25.' He requested that the reequipping of his 3rd and 417th Group be expedited and that a schedule be sent to him for planning purposes."
--Crowood's "Douglas A-26 and B-26 Invader" by Scott A. Thompson
Attached is a BMP icon of my rendition.