Invisible Swarm 2: Ended. Hail YC!
New MP game starting soon!
Honestly. It is actually happening this time.
We will play on a relatively small map, I'm looking for maybe 6-8 players. It will be Difficult Research, normal magic sites, Rich World, Indep. strength 5, HoF 15. No House Rules.
I'm going to play Ryleh.
Space reserved for:
1) Bale Blackmoon (I assume he's playing Marignon)
2) Yellow Cactus (He will probably play Mictlan)
3) Rob_Core (I think he is going to try Abyssia)
4) Bale's friend Joe. Bale, is he playing?
That leaves space for at least 3 more people.
If I can figure out how to host over the internet I'm going to do that, otherwise it will be PBEM. It'll be 24-h quickhost at least for the first 30 turns or so. Then maybe 48-h quickhost.