Well it didn't turn out to well. We were defeated. A lot of rookie mistakes. I'll explain it as best as I can.
My plan was to land infantry on the flanks and armour with engineers in the center. The landing on the flanks part went O.K. but a good deal of the armour got stuck in the mud on the beaches. My troops pushed inland too slowly it turned out as time was also my enemy when they got to the final assault on the town. I used my paratroopers to help open routes into town but think they may have been better used to start an earlier attack on the town. It ended up with less than half of the objective's in my hands as time ran out, about 2 turns earlier than what I think I needed to accomplish my mission.
Oh well. You can't win them all. I learned some valuable lesson's for many battles in my future.
As another gamer say's "I love this game".