Ironhawk said:
Any chance we could get them correalated to the scales that cause them, if any?
I think the big question is : may actually unused builds (ie luck + order, luck + high drain) have a reason to be used ?
According to my tests order 2 / luck 3 may worth to be considered on really huge maps (you need a good number of provinces for 3 events a turn, but have the order income anyway before, and the good point is you'll never get all the very bad events a positive turmoil seems to trigger -invasions, migrations of your pop, etc...- + you get free cities, and lots of +20 garrison and big gold events).
(of course in mp, spending 200pts for order + luck will be an handicap for most nations - may eventually be a viable choice for hum.... a nation with an high prefered temperature for the points, crappy sacred, good units for taking indies so an awake god is not that useful, and needing a lot of gold&gems as mages are the main endgame force, I see only Caelum in this situation)
On the other hand I can't find anything positive for any nation in a luck 3 + drain 3 build. It would be good if instead of all the disabled +gems/items events you always get gold or income ones, but in fact you mostly have more crappy militia events and fewer gems/items.
Of course I've just tested without other scales, and it may be better if you use the drain 3 points to buy high growth or prod (which seem to trigger many + income/month events, and merchants events).