Originally Posted by Cameronius
There is a smal problem with the Canadian OOB. Spefically with the LAV III's carry capacity. It should be 8 not 7.
Long explaination; the LAV specs state there is a crew of 3 and it can carry 7 dismounts for a total of 10. This is correct.
However when the section dismounts so does the vehicle commander bc he is also the section commander. Leaving the driver and gunner/2ic in the LAV, so in practice, Canadian SOP is 2+8.
This affects playablity bc there are many formations with 8 man sections that should fit in their LAVs but don't.
Easy fix?
In theory - not too difficult.
Worth looking at perhaps for next year's patch, since this years has already been built and is in pre-release test.
There are no formations that "do not fit their LAVS" since the motor rifle sections are the LAV users. Post 95 ones have 7 men, vice 8, so a campaign that overlapped the changeover date would be the only situation of conflict.
Changing to an 8 man org may allow leg rifle sections etc to use the LAV sections from the support buy page, however?.
- Change all LAV of unit class 23 to 2 crew, 8 dismounts, after checking that no other one of that has a 7 section limit. (Quick look seems to be 8s and 12s and no conflicts).
- Change all UC 51 and 64 to 8 from 7 (after ~95). Check all formations that use those first, to see if anything else would be broken by the 7->8 dismount change.
- Find any other LAV clones of other unit classes than 23, if any, and do the same. See if they have specialist dismounts. Examine for any unforeseen knock-ons.
- Test by purchasing multiple samples 1995-2020.
- Recalculate points.
Probably 3-4 man-hours work (mainly checking)
if it is a "simple" edit.
But as stated - just that bit too late to make it for the cut this year, methinks.