RFC The Dominoins 3 TV saga
Based on Tifone's inspiring youtube thread, i toy around with an idea:
Having a big dom3 game where every player record and comment his turn, his evil plans and his emotions while watching battle reports with an webcam. Webcam and dom3 battles/strategy map shall be recorded with screencast software (like recordmydesktop).
The videos of each player are sent to a "TV Master" host who can add extra comment (like a sport moderator in TV), edit and release a summary video clip of the turn. This summary video clip will be broadcasted to a large audience, possibly with links to the individual videos of the players.
My prototype example can be found here on
youtube, clearly demonstrating that youtube is not a suited platform for this task due to the video encoding/resolution, at least for the battle replays. Youtube would still be an ideal platform for the webcam clips.
+ having fun
+ show off
+ earn fame
+ increase number of dom3 players worldwide
+ see your enemy's face while he loose his army to your SC
+ free marketing for illwinter/shrapnel (those guys deserve it)
+ free marketing for your own actor skills/ in-film advertising
(example:i run a teaching game-programming business)
+ for non-English players: enjoy promising death and destruction in a
heathen lingo that your enemy will learn the hard way
+ for English players playing versus non-English: Enjoy hearing
"You killed my God!" in as many languages as possible
+ act out the little surpressed wannabe god in your soul in front of an worldwide, applauding audience while keeping your own social life innocent and intact.
+ see the effect that bribing and backstabbing has on the face of other players.
*any video-sharing platform with good codec/quality and minimum of ads ?
*any clue of how to mix webcam with dom3 on windows (i recorded on Linux)?
*any clever idea how to maintain competive multiplayer gaming, producing videos and not giving away too much information to other players ?
--Maybe making 2 different kind of videos, one for other players (showing only webcam, but no dom3 info; and another video with full dom3
--Maybe releasing videos only after the game is over ?
--Maybe letting each player decide how much of his map he shows during screencast ?
*anyone interested ?