If you want Aaron to respond to you, sent him an E-mail yourself.
On these Boards, there is always a ton of people Online who will help you.
Response time for any question is on the order of an hour, day or night. That's what I call a good, supportive forum.
Aaron dosen't need to post in this forum, cause by the time he's read anything, there is already an answer or solution posted
Very little ever goes over the heads of the forum veterans.
edit) Response time = 0:20
Check a few of the threads around here, and you'll notice that only threads asking about a specific person's mod, or requiring people to download something, have a delay in response.
Most of the other threads asking questions have the second post within 1&1/2 hours of the first, with a half-hour being a common time delay.
For any basic question, you can expect a response almost instantly.
[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 30 May 2001).]