I need some help testing the behavior of chtml, especially on XP systems. Note that this is highly beta (perhaps alpha) version.
Please download the archive and extract it into the SE4 folder. It will go into a "chtml_2006_04_16" folder.
Run it by double clicking chtml.exe and choosing option 2, to parse settings.ini. The interactive option (1) is not working at present. It is currently configured to read the stock data files and create single HTML files for them in "chtml_2006_04_16\out\". It only reads 6 of the files at present.
You should get some valid html files created in the out folder. If so, please open settings.ini and change inFileDir to point to a mod. If you wish to try TDM-Modpack, change it from:
inFileDir := ..\Data\
inFileDir := ..\TDM-Modpack\Data\
It should happily overwrite any files it needs to in the out dir. For the most complete test, it might be useful to manually delete them before running chtml again, however.
Try a few mods out, see if the output makes sense for the mod (and is not consisting of empty files). Then, please report on what worked and what didn't work.