Ritual of Rebirth - no effect?
I've searched the forum and found only some ancient threads telling me that it doesnt work.
Anyway, in a current MP-game (2.14) I thought to give this spell a try, but it didnt have any apparent effect. Is this spell still unfixed or do I simply fail to understand its function?
I have dead Caelian high seraphs in the Hall of Fame, quite a few of them, so I thought I can cast RitualOfRebirth to revive one of them to see how it works. I set a living HighSeraph (once empowered in Death, +Rod,+Skullface, (yes I do have too many DeathGems and no use for them except casting DarkKnowledge)) to cast the spell, but no menu appeared, so I assume that a random hero is choosen. Next turn I get a message that my seraph hast cast the spell, but nothing happened! I'd expected to see a mummy-seraph with my necromancer or within my capital (both provinces are unsieged and totally peaceful), but nothing in either province! My captial is protected by an AirDome, but the province the seraph is in is entirely unproteced, although the mage itself has twiceborn up on himself.
Or could it be that the Necromancer choose the Hero which held the lowest place in the HallOfFame for casting, which may have dropped out that turn, and didnt choose one of the other dead Caelians left over in the Hall of Fame?