Originally posted by UberPenguin: Whats the Illwinter? I saw it mentioned on angerboda's description, but I've seen no more mentions of it other than here.
Illwinter is a spell in the game; it's also the name of the developer of ... Dominions 2.
They're in America for a gaming convention.
Wormwood and wine, and the bitter taste of ashes.
Originally posted by Chazar: But leaving fun aside, I assumed that the name was not just made up. Isnt there anything in norse mythology bearing that name?
Not really, but you have the Fimbulvinter ("great winter") which Lasts for three years and is a sign that Ragnarok is nigh. That can certainly be called an ill winter.
"Freefall, my old nemesis! All I have to do is activate my compressed gas rocket boots and I will cheat you once again! Belt control ON!…On?" [i]Othar Trygvasson[i]