Tech Levels in Excell Spreadsheet format...
I finally got tired of flipping thru mulitple data files while trying to figure out what characteristics a baseship has, when do I get Monolith IIIs, what level of Intell project is Puppet Parties, what all do you get after researching a particular field to a specific level, what exactly to Mineral Scanners do?
So I put what little excell spreadsheet skills I had (very little) to use and created the attached file. It is a rather simple creation but I have found it to be rather useful and informative. I thought I would post it here and hope someone else finds it usefull also. If anyone has any comments, suggestions or critiques feel free to let me know.
Character is best defined as that which you do when you believe nobody is watching.
[This message has been edited by WhiteHojo (edited 10 February 2001).]
[This message has been edited by WhiteHojo (edited 10 February 2001).]
Character is best defined as that which you do when you believe nobody is watching.