Be sure to add an option to disable those ascii save/load and manual combat for PBW & stuff to prevent cheating.
-Add new ability: Explodes when destroyed.
Component will do an additional X pts of damage when destroyed.
Useful for Ramming warheads & StarTrek-esqe Reactor Cores
You could also make Temporal "Damage Delay Armor", which will absorb 1000 damage, but then release it all back into your ship when you crack it
Major (SEV):
-Weapon damage as an ability
Then you can have multiple damage types per component, and make polaron beams do 50 pts shield skipping, 50 pts normal, and cool stuff like that
You get Trekish partial shield skipping, you can have WMG beams push a ship away from you, even a SuperMissile launcher with a small warhead effect, so you take damage when firing it!
[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 22 August 2001).]