I think the remaining points would be lost. This is a use them or lose them situation.
Shoot for 0 total by adding an advanced attribute or two and/or adjusting the percentatges on racial advantages (can go up, or down to free up points for other categories.)
One example way of using 2,000 points:
1.You could reduce % for Ground Combat (if you don't plan on using troops to invade anybody) to I think 80% to give you an extra 500 points.
2.Then select one of the 1,000 point advanced attributes and one of the 1,500 ones (like Organic or Crystal tech).
Pick the best setup for your intended game strategy.
Originally posted by KillerManJaro:
I dunno. Maybe I stupid, or I just missed it, or something. But I can't find reference to it in either manual, so I'll ask y'all. Maybe someone knows....
Say I have 2000 racial points for my new race. If I spend only 500 of those points, will I start the game with any kind of advantage (resource-wise, or maybe a "better" home system/planet) over a race which used all 2000, or should I make it a point to assign all my racial points when creating a race?
[This message has been edited by Resident Alien (edited 15 November 2000).]