Game to Player: I Revive Thee!
[s]Game to Player: F*** You[s/]
This is in essence the message I got in pursuit of curiousity as I entered a cave... The problem isnt that its a demo, its that it just up and kills the game at that point. It would have been nice if the Demo Popup Screen flashed and then let you go back to the game, without access to the caves... This way I could play a bit as my character and roam around a bit more.
This game has some good potential, and for being so simple overall its incredibly addicting. I love it -- I just felt cheated when my game collapsed around me coz I didnt bother to save prior to entering the demo's limit point... heh, talk about rude.
Cool game though, Im hoping it gets a bit more complex...
[ August 19, 2002, 15:12: Message edited by: Cylapse ]
-the Kaiser
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