Ok, im running my first game set at impossible with independants set at 9. Its the aran map with 8 players (including me). For some reason it just seems too easy, and i blame this on the cheesy setup i have going.
I'm playing ermor with the ashen empire special dominion with a ghost king, i maxed out cold (because undead dont care), sloth (because i dont use resources), and Death (surprise!), i also maxed out order, fortune, and magic, and have dominion 10. I have 4 death, 3 astral, and 2 water, and the 20 point castle. Net result 0 points left over.
It just seems ridiculously easy, i run over the independants and most enemy armies like its cool. I've lost a couple armies in enemy provinces that had high dominion, but once my dominion reaches them i crush them. All i spend money on is temples, and i get it by launching taxes up to 200% when i conquer a province and then down to 0% when there arent enough people left to make any money. The only thing thats actually hard to do is storm castles (so far i've done 1 and im besieging 2). My research sucks, but im gaining and expect to gain more when i break down those castles and get their gems. I'm astronomically higher in provinces, dominion, and army size. I usually get 1-3 free commanders with 50 undead for them to command each turn and i only have about 15 provinces, plus i have my arch-bishops on constant reanimate. I kill population like a lawn mower over a rabbit hole, but so what, as long as i keep expanding i keep getting more money and thats the only thing i need them for.
I dont think im all that good at this game, i just won my first game on normal a few days ago (and posted jubilantly about it). i think setting your empire up like that is just unbalanced....
it is fun though
and thats the point.
[ March 25, 2004, 18:58: Message edited by: Cheezeninja ]