Couple different cases, I want to know how many different enemies can be targeted.
1. cav - lance, sword, and hoof
2. any unit w/ sword of swiftness
3. any unit w/ 2 swords of swiftness (ambidexterity help with more targets?)
4. Nataraja - 4 different weapons
4a. Nataraja w/ 2 swords of swiftness and the champ's trident - my fav
5. Orb lightning - doesnt seem to spread much (ie 5 orbs shot at 1 hvy inf - this change with 2.11? I haven't tried orb lightning yet in 2.11)
6. What about spirit helm, dancing trident, etc... do they add an attack to another enemy?
[ April 14, 2004, 08:22: Message edited by: DeathDaemon ]