I am playing a golden era arcos and I really like it! By turn 24 I researched all level 4 (except blood magic) which is a lot faster than my previous games!!! I guess it's not that quick, but for me that's an improvement! But with those 50 gold philosophers it's not hard!!! Now I can even use my mystics to cast rituals, forge items...Ok, their troops are not that great...
Anyway, two questions:
1. I have captured Man's starting provinces, and there are various sites that allow to recruit special units, but I can't recreuit them. Why???
2. What does the sceptic do???
3. As I am supposed to get the full game soon, I was wondering which nations I shouldn't play, as I have seen that some people find some nations to be overpowered...and I don't want to play and love a nation that nobody would like to play against in MP!!!