I've just recieved the game in the mail today and I've been trying to stick to one empire so I can figure things out, ie researching, searching, battles, etc. I've been using Arcosphale. And I've tried searching the forums. If its already there, just direct me please!

Please can someone help me out? I've typed a bit of a long post, but please do me the favor of reading through.
Anywawy, I'm not asking for help with strategy exactly, and don't tell me I should be using them as my first empire.

I'm looking for someone to give me the basics for battle and defending. It seems the AI jumps on right away, say after 10-20 turns. Not just one empire, but all of the ones surrounding you. How do you discourage them from attacking so you can build up an army? I've tried increasing the defense of provinces to 20 while building an army also, but i keep getting mauled.
This also involves the actual battles that take place. For example, it seems that say 20 hoplites and some hearts companions going up agaist 30 dryads just can not damage the dryads(most recent battle, involved more, but going for basic principle). Now they're about the same in strength/precision/etc. except armour as hoplites. Yet none of my troops are adept at hitting them while they are adept at hitting me. I'm playing on the easiest setting. So could someone just give me a basic explination of combat/battles.
As well Astral spells do not seem to do much good for me in combat and scrying doesn't seem to help much either due to armies moving in and out of provinces so much. As well the AI seems to be able to march on many terratories without fear of being attacked by other AI. Where as if I do so they storm my terratories. From playing a couple of times it seems its better to research heavily in one path instead of spreading out your research points. I realize some spells may be better for some empires...but I'm trying to avoid gimmics in winning.
Thanks to anyone who can help me out.