
January 8th, 2006, 02:36 AM
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Dominions III Artificial Intelligence
Dominions II is fun, diverse, interesting, and complex. Dominions III will be bigger and better. What more could a person possibly want in a strategy game, other than scantily-clad blood slaves of all races and genders? In my opinion... Artificial Intelligence, Balance, and Ease of Use.
The Johans and Ostermans of the world are already doing their part in improving Dominions’ graphics, interface, balance, variety, mechanics, and who knows what else. However, they are primarily a 3-ish person, part-time team – trying to make the best strategy game ever. A lot of the coding problems are (probably) NP-hard, like ideal unit-mix recruitment, battle spell selection and order, site-searching order, and battle target-selection. This means that no amount of effort (barring a monumental mathematical breakthrough) will produce a perfect algorithm, but that the algorithms can be improved indefinitely; and when choosing between addressing a problem that can be solved in a week versus toying with a provably unsolvable NP-hard problem, any programmer who wants to finish a project will choose the solvable one. So without disrespect to JO, almost no single aspect of the Dominions III AI could be perfected even if he had a team of 100 Turings and Babbages working under him for a decade. However, they would continually improve, and the extra labor would free up time for Johan to work on whatever he finds most interesting.
In my opinion: many of the issues with exploits, balance, and micromanagement are really symptoms of AI and related algorithms, and will not improve significantly with any amount of effort into UI design, data balancing, or even game-mechanic changes.
There is a hard limit to the change one can affect through the current and expected data modding capabilities, and it is insufficient to compensate for (e.g.) the ineffective tactics of skirmish troops. As such – and bearing in mind that I do not speak for Illwinter, or with any authority, for that matter – would anyone in the forums be willing and able to engage in code-modding, if Illwinter was so benevolent as to make it a possibility? I’m thinking of algorithmic things, ranging from the function “int whatProvinceShouldISiteSearchNext(SiteGraph explored, Unit bobTheMage)” to a complete tactical combat AI.
I would love to work on the tactical AI, because it is vital in single and multiplayer games, because it can be so frustrating, because a huge amount of micromanagement (scripting, etc) is dedicated to compensating for the tactical AI’s nuances, and because a better tactical AI would negate lot of the balancing issues I was unable to address via data modding. If I wrote a tactical AI, it would be extremely slow (slower than you would want in a commercial game, but fine for 1-turn-per-day PBEM games) but thorough, because I don’t care if Dominions III takes 5 seconds or 5 minutes to process turns (as long as there was some user-configurable, finite limit); though it would be nice to be able to examine my empire in the meantime. This does not mean I can write something better than the current tactical AI, but it would certainly be slower
Would anyone else utilize deep code-modding capabilities if they were available? Bear in mind that answering “Yes” when you mean “Maybe” or "Yes I want other people to do this, but I won't" might possibly divert Illwinter’s attention away from more important matters.
Illwinter - if you have any comments about code-modding, changes in AI since Dominions II, proving P==NP, or the weather up there in the North Pole, I'm sure we'd all be glad to hear them 

January 8th, 2006, 02:39 PM
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Re: Dominions III Artificial Intelligence
I'd be unwilling, and utterly unable. However, I am curious what NP stands for in your post 

January 8th, 2006, 03:42 PM
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Re: Dominions III Artificial Intelligence
Hi Cherry!
At the risk of being unpopular, there won't being any support for programming your own AI in Dominions III. It would be much work to do and believe almost no one would take advantage of that possibility anyway. If there will be a way to influence the AI it will be mod settings that are easy to fiddle around with.

January 8th, 2006, 04:37 PM
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Re: Dominions III Artificial Intelligence
I would be interested, but short of time and maybe somewhat unable, too.
Actually, I didn't expect DOM3 to have scriptable AI. Would mean they have to throw away the engine and re-code everything from ground up. Would take at least 10 years IMHO.
As for players doing AIs own their own: There are games where players code the AI. FreeCiv, obviously, but did you check out Civ Evolution ( http://www.c-evo.org/)? It's done by one lonely guy, and there are several external AIs, made by players obviously, available. And they do quite a good job (both)
What about an external AI? We would just need the file formats for that, to be able to read them in ... .
That would be not quite 100% of what Cherry envisions, though? If I understood right, you wanted to fiddle with the "MM AI", so battle setup, sitesearching etc could be handed over to the AI in most cases.
Have no idea how that could be done - unless one writes a "turn pre-/postprocessor", which loads the turn file, writes the first 'standing' orders into the orders file, starts DOM3 to have the player have a look at the turn, and then maybe does some processing afterwards, too.
Could even be scripted in Tcl I think, but would be a monumental task. And would need a 5 Ghz CPU to run. .. or wouldn't it? Hmmm .. if done multi-threaded, it could run on 2 CPUs at once (or DOM3 on one and the app on the other), and everyone will have 2 cores when DOM3 finally arrives I'm sure 
Maybe even make it a "parallel processor", which peeks into the files folder now and then and reacts to changes to player makes. O.c. DOM3 would need some possibility to re-load the turn and the order file...
Oh, dreaming again...
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...

January 10th, 2006, 07:23 AM
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Re: Dominions III Artificial Intelligence
Johan K said:
Hi Cherry!
At the risk of being unpopular, there won't being any support for programming your own AI in Dominions III. It would be much work to do and believe almost no one would take advantage of that possibility anyway. If there will be a way to influence the AI it will be mod settings that are easy to fiddle around with.

A hasty jugement.
Look at space empire 4 ! Score of players fiddled with AI, improving score of them to the point where none of the ingame AI could handle the heat from the customs one.
There has even been AI contests where all customs AI battled each others just to decide who's the best.
Too bad we'll can't have that on Dom3.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn.
Ďa ! Ďa ! Cthulhu fhtagn ! Cthulhu fhtagn !

January 10th, 2006, 10:46 PM
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Re: Dominions III Artificial Intelligence
Interestingly, the P=NP? problem will likely never be solved. The basic stucture of it is such that any proof will probably be unconstructive, i.e, it either is untrue, or it is impossible to proove whether it is right or not. The main problem in understanding this is that NP is NOT the same as non-P. a problem is NP if you can determine whether a proposed solution IS a solution in polynomial time. If someone could find an NP complete problem (that is one that if solved in polynomial time demonstrates that all NP can be)and solve it. the trouble is, if we find just 1 NP complete that is P, we have proved it, but no number of NP that do not =P will disprove it. The SAT gate of boolean computation is a very simple NP complete problem. If Illwinter can solve this, I, on behalf of all mathematicians from Euclid to the present, thank them.
But it won't happen. A minesweeper SAT gate would require all the computing power illwinter has at its disposal. Dominions3 would be impossible.
An'ya i Suotho,
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January 11th, 2006, 01:43 AM
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Re: Dominions III Artificial Intelligence
Flashbacks of my CS training...
Why are you doing this to me!!!

January 8th, 2006, 06:30 PM
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Re: Dominions III Artificial Intelligence
Truper said:
I'd be unwilling, and utterly unable. However, I am curious what NP stands for in your post
Nondeterministic polynomial. This is a class of problems that have no known solution in polynomial time - for example, if the problem involved 20 provinces, there is no known algorithm that could solve it in 20^X steps, where X is some constant. However, the problems can be solved in exponential time, like X^20, but this is much slower.
"Nondeterministic" means that they could be solved in polynomial time on a nondeterministic computer (a quantum computer) or with an infinite number of parallel computers.
Johan said:
Hi Cherry!
At the risk of being unpopular, there won't being any support for programming your own AI in Dominions III. It would be much work to do and believe almost no one would take advantage of that possibility anyway. If there will be a way to influence the AI it will be mod settings that are easy to fiddle around with.
Hi Johan!
That's OK, I figured as much =) It doesn't seem like there's much interest in it anyway.
Arralen said:
Have no idea how that could be done - unless one writes a "turn pre-/postprocessor", which loads the turn file, writes the first 'standing' orders into the orders file, starts DOM3 to have the player have a look at the turn, and then maybe does some processing afterwards, too.
That's kind of what I've been mulling. If one could decode the turn files, any sort of strategic AI algorithm could probably be implemented... with a lot of work. Combat AI would still be off-limits, though.

January 8th, 2006, 08:12 PM
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Highly Parameterized AI
Ok, so code-modding is out, but as for "a way to influence the AI through mod settings that are easy to fiddle around with"... how about parameterizing the AI, and making all the parameters moddable?
For example, a mod file might look like this:
The values could range from 0 (never) to 1000, with the default of 100 meaning "the usual amount". They would modify AI behaviors, such that setting "Mictlan_Recruit_Sacred_Priority==250" would make the AI try to recruit 2.5 times as many sacred units as normal. Or, at least, it would increase the number of sacreds in the unit mix. "Mictlan_Recruit_Heavy_Cavalry_Priority==0" would make them never recruit heavy cavs, even if they conquered an indy province that had them.
Things I feel might benefit from parameters. Note that each of these should be moddable per-nation! And note that the numbers generally modify behavioral probabilities, rather than setting a fixed order in which the activities occur; if research_priority is greater than blood_hunt_priority, both activities would still occur at the same time, but more mages would (generally) be devoted to research.
1) Mage Orders (only for stationary mages)
Blood Hunt
Craft Artifact
Cast Spells
2) Army Orders (only for stationary armies)
Break Siege
3) Priest Orders (only for stationary priests)
4) Strategic: Research
(one per magic school)
5) Strategic: Buildings
6) Nation Design
Combat Chassis (probability a combat chassis is selected...)
Bless Chassis
Rainbow Chassis
Dominion Strength (priority of spending points here)
Order, Growth, etc. (one per scale)
(one per magic path)
7) Recruitment Priority
This is a little different. First, all Dominions II units need a "role" or "type" (that is displayed in the unit description). This could be auto-generated based on simple rules regarding their stats and equipment. They should be changable through modding, though. Then the recruitment priorities can be set for each type (for each nation).
Skirmisher (light infantry w/ javelin)
Medium Infantry
Heavy Infantry
Horse Archer
Light Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Melee Monster (anything with lots of HP, like Jotuns, Hydras, elephants)
Ranged Monster (Illithids, Jotun Hurlers)
Properties: these are parameterized independantly of unit types.
8) Tactical Spellcasting
Mass Damage
Single Damage
Mass Support
Single Support
Self Support
Gemcosting Spells
Additional Gem Usage
That's a bit confusing, so here is an example of a complete null-mod for Abysia's strategic AI, that does nothing:
** Mage Orders **
** Army Orders **
** Priest Orders **
** Research **
** Buildings **
** Nation Design **
** Recruitment **
** Properties **
** Types (Commander) ***
** Types (Infantry) ***
** Types (Mounted) ***
** Types (Ranged) ***
** Types (Large) ***
** Tactical Spellcasting **

January 9th, 2006, 12:24 AM
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Re: Highly Parameterized AI
I'd be willing and able to help with a program to read the turn files and give units orders to reduce micro management. I imagine the devs would have to show us how to read the files. If it becomes a possibility, I'll gladly help out with coding (C/C++ only) and writing algorithms.
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