Thanks Endoperez
I definitely hope/foresee someone coming up with a nation based on Buddhism. Lots of holiness, stealthy Ghurka warriors (I'd love to see someone somehow fitting Ghurka paratroopers into Dom3 in a way that worked really well.), oodles of demons to choose from, not to mention powers of the enlightened ones. Buddhism, as far as I can tell (not something I've taken the time to intensely research yet, but probably will...er I guess I will now) seems to have replaced a Yoni Kings-type-mythology filled with terrible demons who look a lot like Yonis, as in classical Asian-style demons. Maybe we can see a close but somewhat differently flavored early age demon nation, with Ghurka warriors and just a few enlightened pilgrims who have to tread very carefully around all the many demons-the demons themselves in this case perhaps strictly bound by oaths to higher powers and very lawful, disciplined, and stratified, like a demonic Early Ermor, that nation to be replaced by Buddhism in the middle era, with middle era sacred Sherpa warriors alongside the Ghurkas and enlightenment taking many unusual paths, with late era turning into a peaceful, enlightened, happy-go-lucky type nation, with plenty of holiness to combat Ermor. I think Late Era is too grim, anyway.
Pretenders could include celestial dragons (but not the other types), enlightened llamas, various titans, the Lord of Plenty, and pretender demons. The nation could use fire, earth, water, nature, and astral magic.