I'm downloading the demo to see if I want to go to the trouble of ordering this game from the US (as I can't find a Mac store in the UK that stocks it or even an online one!) but apparently the game manual is essential and the demo doesn't come with it? Is there anywhere where I could download the manual do you know, or something that has a complete guide to the game?
The tutorial from the demo will provide enough information for learning and playing the game. After 3 or 4 demo games you'll know whether or not you want to purchase the full game.
Sadly, I lost my manual (I've looked everywhere). I can't complain about the lack of a downloadable version because it just encourages piracy (the manual's really, really nice), but I do hope Illwinter will offer manuals for sale separately, although it's not a realistic hope.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
The manual is nearly 300 pages, thick, with few pictures and lots of text explaining various game effects and listing the effects of various spells in more detail, giving stats of the summoned units and offering some insight into the details of e.g. what a unit has to do to break out of Earth Grip. I think it's too expensive to give away freely.
Hehe, I can just see it in my mind, and aeroplane spreading fliers.
Only instead of fliers, they're 300 page Dominions 3 manuals
I'd hate to have one fall on my head.
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)