
January 17th, 2007, 01:11 AM
Brigadier General
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Seems like migration might be broken
It seems:
If you get a race to surrender, who breathe an atmosphere that you don't, then they won't migrate.
Or is there a secret feather that I need to tickle under their damn hydrogen breathing chins?

January 17th, 2007, 05:10 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: Seems like migration might be broken
I think the recent beta patch may have addressed this issue.
Version 1.22:
1. Fixed - AI will no longer try to move vehicles with zero movement to a space yard for retrofit.
2. Fixed - Units launched during combat were not showing up in the combat log replay.
3. Fixed - The Empires window was drawing alliance empire flags incorrectly past 4.
4. Fixed - If an empire joins an alliance, then all of its current treaties are lost.
5. Fixed - The Communicate window was drawing race icons incorrectly.
6. Fixed - If an empire is in an alliance, it cannot engage in treaties with other empires.
7. Fixed - In 3 or more player combats, the game was not using treaty settings for allies.
8. Fixed - In the Load/Save Game window, the Game Type text would not move with the window.
9. Fixed - If you loaded or started a new game from within combat, the order buttons would
remain combat buttons on the Main Window.
10. Fixed - If you loaded or started a new game from within combat, the combat simulator
would error when adding ships.
11. Fixed - Ability "Component - Weapon To Hit Percent" was not working correctly.
12. Fixed - In the Create Design window, a weapon report would show mount modifiers even
if the weapon could not use the mount.
13. Fixed - Abilities "Intelligence Defense Modifier" and "Intelligence Offense Modifier" were not working correctly.
14. Fixed - Ability "Experience Rate Percent Change" was not working.
15. Fixed - Abilities "Supply Generation Modifier Percent" and "Ordnance Generation Modifier Percent" were not working correctly.
16. Fixed - Abilities "Tonnage Repair Component", "Tonnage Repair Modifier Component", "Tonnage Repair Modifier Facility",
"Tonnage Repair Modifier Ship", "Tonnage Repair Modifier Unit" were not working correctly.
17. Fixed - Removed "Point Generation Modifier - Culture" from Government Types.
18. Fixed - Abilities "Planet Population Assimilation", "Planet Population Environmental Tolerance", "Planet Population Loyalty",
"Planet Population War Tolerance" were not working correctly.
19. Fixed - Abililities "Race - Loyalty", "Race - Migration" were not working.
20. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Empire_Fleet_Order_Count".
21. Fixed - AI Fleets were getting new orders even when they had old ones.
22. Fixed - Too many of the AI's had Tyranny for Government Type.
23. Fixed - Improved AI's assignment of colony types.
24. Fixed - AI was not scrapping facilities if it needed space for a spaceport.
25. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Construction_Queue_Item_Facility_ID".
26. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Construction_Queue_Item_Upgrade_ID".
27. Added - SE5_Modding.pdf to the "Docs" directory. This document details all of the fields in the datafiles,
abilities, and formula functions.
28. Fixed - In sequential turn based games, the text "Processing after all players turns" would sometimes show between
player turns. Posts: 662 | From:
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

January 17th, 2007, 08:23 AM
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Re: Seems like migration might be broken
I didn't have an AI surrender to me, but I conquered a lot of colonies with population of a different atmosphere type and they migrated very nicely to my colonies with the corresponding atmosphere.
If only the other population on these colonies would leave quickly, it would prevent a mass murder!

January 17th, 2007, 04:33 PM
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Re: Seems like migration might be broken
What a heartless despot!

January 17th, 2007, 04:56 PM
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Re: Seems like migration might be broken
You know Q I am offended by your comment! I never commit mass murder; I may liberate a few lucky people from the confines of their fleshy shells but I never commit murder. I demand that you retract that statement! 
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
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January 18th, 2007, 11:14 AM
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Re: Seems like migration might be broken
I'm in agreement with PES. Though I would handle it differently, by sending a transport, picking up the unwanted race, then showing them the wonders of exploring space without a suit.
Murder is wrong.
Guess what color my Orange is!

January 18th, 2007, 12:16 PM
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Re: Seems like migration might be broken
In SE:V you can jettison population directly from the planet without using a transport.

January 18th, 2007, 12:25 PM
Brigadier General
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Re: Seems like migration might be broken
Slick said:
In SE:V you can jettison population directly from the planet without using a transport.
WHAT! And I thought Q was cold... how can you deny them a final free cruise? 
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
Welcome to Super Vegeta’s Big Bang Attack… Welcome to OBLIVION!
“Don Panoz made an awesome car and… an incinerator” Bill Auberlen
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