Magnum357, by all means please make your mod. I am only using TOS ships from SFC,and some modified Versions for TMP.
This is what I do to get images. Its crude, but it works.
I use the M6 program to view the image.
I use the M6 program to set the image in a top down view.
I Screen capture it. (Alt Printscreen)
In PAINT, I click edit, and paste.
I grab the section that I want and copy
I open a new page, yes I save the old page too.
I paste the copied imaged onto the new page and a save it as "Mini 1"
I repeat these steps for a Portrait view and save it as "Port 1"
This way Mini and Port 1 are for the same image.
I then use a program called AcDSee ( )to set the images in the correct direction, and to resize them to a minimum of 200 width. (Lenght falls in automatically, and I leave it alone unless it equals the width, in that case, I simply resize it to 128.)
I auto adjust the pitures if they need it.
I then open the saved "Editted" images with PAINT, and copy the image to a 400 by 400 new form. I center the image, and using the paint all tool, make the back ground yellow. I then fix any minor masking problems.
I turn the back ground back to black, and save the image back to the same name that it originally came from after being editted (Always Mini 1 and Port 1 on up.)
I then us ACDSEE and resize the images using the crop tool. I can also, mostly in portrait views, just resize them to 128. The crop tool is great for geting ships to look differant sizes. You may have to play around with it a bit, but altimately, you can get the image you are seeking. (Always save the images as alternates like Mini 1a or Mini 5a etc.)
Hope this helps.