
June 25th, 2007, 12:20 PM
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Site-searching question
Noob question about site searches. If I have a mage searching for sites, to what extent does his magic skill matter? I gather that if he is, say, a level 2 fire mage, he will only find fire magic sites that are level 2 or below. But are there a lot of magic sites that are only discoverable with far higher levels? So far it doesn't seem that way to me.
Maybe I should ask it this way: what is the rough distribution of magic sites that might be in a province, in terms of the level search required to find them? is it a waste of time to cast Auspex etc in a site that has already been searched by a lower level?

June 25th, 2007, 01:00 PM
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Re: Site-searching question
As far as I know most sites are level 2, with one or two per school which are level 3.
Whether it's worth casting spells depends on the site frequency set at the start of the game. A high frequency means there's a good chance of at least one site per province, however with a L2 mage you'll likely find the one's of interest. In this case, you're better off casting something like Acashic Record to find the sites you otherwise couldn't (i.e. those of a school you can't access).
Location also seems to play a part. Deserts and Mountains tend to be good for fire sites, forests for nature, coasts & rivers for water and so on.

June 25th, 2007, 01:28 PM
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Re: Site-searching question
IIRC sites go up to level 4. Which means once a level 4 mage comes through you have found all the sites possible.

June 25th, 2007, 02:17 PM
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Re: Site-searching question
Search for Edi's signature. It's unfortunately not in the sticky thread, last time I checked, but his database is linked to in his sig. And it includes a full list of magic sites. If you know how to sort the database, you can easily get an idea of a). the frequency of sites b). the level required to find them, and c). the terrain you can find them on.

June 25th, 2007, 02:56 PM
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Re: Site-searching question
If you refer to EDI's magnificent spread sheet you will see that you can get almost all of the sites, especially the independent mages, with a level 2 search. I have found that is is a waste of time and resources to do a level 4 search if a level 2 search is performed because the level 3 and level 4 sites are so far and few between that you might go several games before you had a hit with a level 4 search vs a level 2 search. As an aside, if you only did a level 1 search, it is worthwhile to do at least a level 2 search.
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June 25th, 2007, 10:41 PM
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Re: Site-searching question
On the other hand, some L3/L4 sites can give you a really powerful ritual discount or some nice units (recruitables or free summons).
Astral everywhere (non-ocean) is important for the potential units and 50% conj discount. Blood nations should Bowl of Blood in swamps and forests first.
Here are the really nice sites (imo):
E3 for Conjurer's Cave (30% conj discount)
All except water:
S3/S4 for Libary of Time/Grey Tower (Shadow Seers)
(S4 everywhere can also find the Strange House, I think it might have a void gate, but I've never found it.)
S3 for Ultimate Gateway (50% conj discount)
N3 for Oak of Ages (50% enchant discount)
B3 for Blood Rock (30% blood discount)
B3 for Summoning Circle (60% blood discount)
If you are planning on a lot of Gift of Reason and Beckoning:
All except water:
D4 for Crown of Darkness (40% thaum discount)
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.

June 25th, 2007, 10:54 PM
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Re: Site-searching question
So basically the vast majority of sites are L2. If you want a shot at finding a few of the really nice discount sites (which can make a big difference in large late games) you can search with a L3. Search with L4s only if you have nothing else to do with them.
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