Ironhawk said:
My thought for the AI was to modify some summons to make them "thugs" without any need for equipment. That way if the AI did manage to get around to summonng them, it would not need to equip them (which is super complicated). And perhaps mod a few high level summons to be SCs right out of the box as well. One problem i see of course is still how to incent the AI to try and cast these spells to begin with. I'm not sure the AI programming can even conceptually understand shelling out 20 gems - even 10 gems! - for a single heavy-duty unit.
This is where I found the #startspell so very valuable. I would find a nation for the AI which didn't use blood magic because then it won't research any blood magic. Then I would give the nation a few immobile mages which were with blood magic and maybe a few other paths. Also gave these immobile mages a ring of regeneration and ring of anti-magic for better protection. Next I provided the AI nation with some magic sites with blood income. Finally I provided the AI nation with specific blood spells using the #startspell .
As a result AI nations such as Arcos would have armies of the devils or blood knights. It truly made the AI a stronger opponent.
This month I plan to use a level_10 astral mage casting the Wish spell... to wish for #startspell getting fixed.