Foodstamp said:
I voted:
EA R'lyeh
MA R'lyeh
LA Argatha
Footstamp has read my mind! These are my favorites per age as well!
EA R'Lyeh: Is unconventional and I love Mind Lords. Having a large group of them enslaving enemy troops makes some really interesting armies over the longterm. The whole evil mind-controlling fish theme is just a lot of fun for me.
MA R'Lyeh: I'm a Lovecraft buff and the void gate is a lot of fun to use. Having so many amphibious mindblasters, combined with the void gate summons and the hybrid freespawn in coastal forts makes a combo I really enjoy.
LA Agartha: I like all ages of Agartha, but LA really comes together well for me. Well-armored (if underarmed) main infantry, nice national spells, and the whole theme of LA Agartha is just a great fit for me.
Runners-up would include:
EA Yomi: Dai Onis alone make me love this nation. Throw in the other Oni types and you're cooking with gas. Only slightly below EA R'Lyeh for me.
LA R'Lyeh and
LA Ermor: I like these nations themes immensely, but the micro-management they require knock them down off the top for me.
EA Abysia: Setting your enemies on fire over and over is a lot of fun, but the lack of being able to build sacreds and many mages in non-capital forts is why I don't rank it higher.
EA Agartha: Agartha in general is one of my favorites, and EA is no exception. Just below EA Yomi in my list of favorites.
MA Agartha: Yeah, I know some people will call me loopy, but I love the sacred statues and the whole theme of the nation in any era.
MA Shinuyama: Goblins and lots of them! The extreme old age of their best mages is a problem though.
EA Lanka: Demon monkeys! Need I say more?