
June 8th, 2008, 11:10 PM
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How to beat Late Age Ermor?
I am just wondering if people could give suggestions on how to beat LA ermor. I have never beaten them.  I have tried everything from mass holy to masses of soldiers to thugs. I cant beat them. I dunno if i just wait to long or if they are that tough which I would tend to think not.

June 8th, 2008, 11:11 PM
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Re: How to beat Late Age Ermor?
MP or SP?

June 8th, 2008, 11:52 PM
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Re: How to beat Late Age Ermor?
They are pretty easy to beat in the late game, if you can last that long. They are a one-trick pony. Early-mid game, they can run you ragged.
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June 9th, 2008, 12:37 AM
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Re: How to beat Late Age Ermor?
I was under impression that in the late game, when they send small raiding parties of 1000+ units, they become unstoppable.

June 9th, 2008, 12:56 AM
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Re: How to beat Late Age Ermor?
Aldrenas: can you go into more detail about what thugs you are using? I have not fought LA ermor myself (due to objections over thier dominion) but from what I understand the conventional way to fight them is with massed banishments. And the way to use thugs vs them is pretty much any chasis plus a fire shield and regen.
Kuritza, ermor relies on masses of cheap undead to win. But in the late game, masses of troops no longer matter. Access to the high level spells and SCs makes them obsolete.

June 9th, 2008, 01:34 AM
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Re: How to beat Late Age Ermor?
o sry i haven't tried to play mp yet so i am referring to sp. Well last time i played against them I played Bogarus. I started out ok trying to mass produce the elite horsemen bodyguards. I took over a dozen territories quickly then ran into groups of ermor ranging from 100- 900. I had lots of priests and different types of mages mixed into my forces balancing out holy and regular magic. The biggest army i was able to amass on the field was over 350 of those elite horsemen near the middle of the game. I also had armies of the swordsmen ranging out behind that army supporting it. I took alot of territory but somehow ermor just kept pumping out legions of dead that were very overwhelming. While i fielded an army of 350 they were slamming me with armies of 2000-3000. I was slowly overwhelmed. near the end the gath started to attack me too. In the end I got desperate so I wished for horrors. lots of my astral mages were killed but i did get some horrors. but by that point ermor had enveloped me and was besieging my capitol with over 10000 soldiers which was quite ridiculous.

June 9th, 2008, 05:32 AM
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Re: How to beat Late Age Ermor?
Ironhawk said:
Kuritza, ermor relies on masses of cheap undead to win. But in the late game, masses of troops no longer matter. Access to the high level spells and SCs makes them obsolete.
Really? In the endgame, mages become invulnerable and no longer need a meat shield to absorb hits?
Sorry, quite the opposite. In the endgame, quality of the troops doesnt matter as much, and quantity is where Ermor rules supreme. Not to mention that Ermor can also use SCs (death gems, right?), counter your SCs with lifedrain and desintegrate and support his masses of undead with Darkness.
Just look at the statistics - LA Ermor owns.

June 9th, 2008, 01:49 PM
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Re: How to beat Late Age Ermor?
Ironhawk said:
Aldrenas: can you go into more detail about what thugs you are using? I have not fought LA ermor myself (due to objections over thier dominion) but from what I understand the conventional way to fight them is with massed banishments. And the way to use thugs vs them is pretty much any chasis plus a fire shield and regen.
Supposedly, Phoenix Pyre spreads the fatigue from dying among communion slaves just like spell fatigue. I'm pondering trying the following in my current game (vs. LA Ermor):
Get a bunch of cheap S1 mages.
Have them cast Communion Slave.
Communion masters cast Fire Shield, Phoenix Pyre, Summon Earthpower, Personal Luck. Then they either retreat or start firing bows or something.
Communion slaves all Attack Closest.
Phoenix Pyre is pretty weak but it has a huge area of effect that should mess LA Ermor up pretty good. Of course it would be more efficient to use all those massed communion slaves to cast H4 Banishment--but this way sounds like more fun.
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