Game Specs:
- Early Age
- Map:
Land of Milk and Honey by elmokki
Game status page goes here.
- Llamaserver starting on 36 hour Quickhost and going up from there as needed. This is a causal game, so I want people to take their time if they have to. Because of the lax hosting schedule, I would hope none of you would need delays for the first year or so at least, but they will be given out as requested. Turn reminders will be sent out 12 hours from hosting time instead of 6. If you can't play anymore or feel like you want to quit, do your best to line up a sub please.
- 12 Players: 10 land, 2 Water. All slots are now filled.
- Mods:
-- Single Age Mod
-- Special Libra compilation mod by Burnsaber
- Settings: All default. Renaming on.
- Victory conditions: On turn 60, all remaining players will take a vote here. Vote here for who you think should be named winner or post with an Abstain if you want the game to continue. No voting for yourself. I'll declare the game finished if we can get a nation with a majority of the remaining players' votes. If we can't get a majority, the game continues and we repeat the process on turn 100. If there are only 2 nations left, whoever gets the other guy to surrender first wins.
-- The game is now over, Atlantis wins!
- Diplomacy policy: Treaties are not unbreakable, so all you have to trust is the other nation's word. However, diplomacy and planning must be done by in-game messages, representing the time it takes to deliver a message by the means available. Magic isn't infallible as anyone who has given any mage a specific script knows.
Current Players:

1: Starshine Monarch: Tir na n'Og

2: LoloMo: Mictlan

3: Ossa: Helheim

4: Trumanator: Ulm

5: Fantomen: Agartha

6: Gregstrom: Neifelheim

7: Fakeymcfake: Sauromatia

8: Frozen Lama: Marverni

9: LDiCesare: Tien C'hi

10: Pelthin: Kailasa

11: Strabo: R'lyeh

12: Kianduatha: Atlantis

: Playing

: Eliminated

: Gone AI